Swiffer Sweeper Wet Mopping Cloths Febreze Fresh Scent Citrus & Light, 24-Count Tubs (Pack of 6)
Swiffer Sweeper Wet Mopping Cloths Febreze Fresh Scent Citrus & Light, 24-Count Tubs (Pack of 6) Review
10.0 x 8.0 in. Powerful dirt-dissolving solution! Cleans virtually all floors including wood (do not use on unfinished, oiled or waxed wooden boards, non-sealed tiles or carpeted floors)! Contains no phosphate. Made in Canada. Read more...
Ordered these as a bulk order of swiffer wet cloths, not dissapointed with the product. I was however diasappointed with Amazon's packaging, when I got it, the box was soaked, and fedex had wrapped it in a plastic sack, the people at the Amazon wherhouse had put all 6 tubs of Swiffers upside down, causing them to leak in transit. Other than that, I am not disappointed, it is my favorite flavor of Sweiffer wet cloths, they clean pretty well.
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