Febreze Noticeables Dual-Scented Air Freshener Refills, Clothesline Breeze & Meadow Songs [3 PACK = 3 REFILLS]
Febreze Noticeables Dual-Scented Air Freshener Refills, Clothesline Breeze & Meadow Songs [3 PACK = 3 REFILLS] Review
Febreze Noticeables Scented Air Freshner is the newest electric air freshener from Febreze. It includes two complementary scents that alternate automatically throughout the day for surprisingly noticeable, long lasting freshness. As the scent changes, the freshness is renewed.The wonderful scent of linens and towels right off the clothesline is, for many, the very essence of crisp and clean. And that scent awaits you with Clothesline Breeze. When it switches to Meadow Songs, youll be reminded of soft and fluffy, freshly laundered towels that will warm your home and brighten your spirits. Read more...
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